Mizuho Financial Group on track to reach FY13 profit target
Mizuho Financial Group on track to reach FY13 profit target
Check out how well it fared last year.
Japanese mega banks' overseas loans book to grow 10%-20% per annum
But Fitch warns it will be a 'selective' growth.
Nomura expects recovery of investment banking business
Business opportunities for Nomura Holdings Inc. are expected to grow this year.
Sumitomo Mitsui profits up 34%
Japan's second-largest bank posts a US$6.1 billion profit from to April-December.
Sumitomo Mitsui’s market value rises by 5.1%
Recent stock market rally also benefits other Japanese megabanks.
What you need to know about merchant acquiring in Asia Pacific
Merchant acquiring and processing across Asia-Pacific is far from homogenous. It is a collection of quite unique markets.
Mizuho Securities M&A team to be based in Singapore
Investment banker to open advisory business to leverage M&A boom in Asia.
New Bank of Japan governor to be named soon
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants a bold policy leader to lead the central bank.
Mitsubishi UFJ to tap demand in Myanmar
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group has formed an alliance with Myanmar's Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Japan Post Bank to offer housing loans
Japan Post Bank has been conditionally allowed by the government to launch three new businesses.
Taiwan’s Chinatrust targets Tokyo Star Bank for US$580M
Taiwan’s Chinatrust is in talks to take over Tokyo Star Bank for US$580M.
BofA quits private banking in Japan
Sells entire stake to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.
Dim revenue picture for Japanese mega banks
Fitch Ratings sees no major recovery in domestic earnings.
Japanese banking system gets Moody’s upgrade
Rating is now stable from negative.
Japanese banks top world infrastructure lending
Thomson Reuters survey confirms dominance.
Insights from central bankers at SIBOS 2012
I was at SIBOS, Osaka, Japan, last week, and it was a pleasure to meet several bankers across the world. Moreover, as the event was held in the Asia Pacific, there was a very good representation from the Asian Banking and Finance Community–a very good blend of banks, IT vendors, regulators, monetary agencies, Clearing and Settlement houses, depositories, and so on.
Japanese mega banks' asset quality could be in danger, warns analyst
Blame it on exposure to troubled electronics manufacturers.