, Singapore
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Lexasure engages in partnership for auto insurance

The partnership aims to service Singapore and Cambodia’s markets.

Lexasure Financial Group and My Car Consultant (MCC) have announced a collaboration on offering data-driven, self-insured car insurance solutions. 

Lexasure, known for its reinsurance, insurance, and insurtech offerings in South and Southeast Asia, will assist MCC, a Singaporean company providing comprehensive automotive solutions, in providing car insurance policies to its customers as part of their all-in-one automotive solution in Southeast Asia.

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The proposed strategic partnership aims to explore the use of Lexasure's network to administer insurance for MCC in both Singapore and Cambodia. 

This partnership is subject to the negotiation of definitive agreements, including customary closing conditions and regulatory approval.

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Event News

OCBC shines at ABF Wholesale Banking Awards, Retail Banking Awards Co-Written / Partner
Amongst other accolades, the bank bagged the China International Trade Finance Bank of the Year award as well as its 13th consecutive ASEAN SME Bank of the Year award, attesting to the strength of its extensive ASEAN-Greater China franchise. 
Co-Written / Partner OCBC shines at ABF Wholesale Banking Awards, Retail Banking Awards
Amongst other accolades, the bank bagged the China International Trade Finance Bank of the Year award as well as its 13th consecutive ASEAN SME Bank of the Year award, attesting to the strength of its extensive ASEAN-Greater China franchise.