, Japan

CQG and Dot Commodity agreed service broker contract

Dot Commodity's clients can also utilize CQG’s suite of server-side tools, CQG Spreader and the Market Aggregation expression, for execution and management of latency-critical trading strategies across key global and domestic exchanges.

CQG, Inc., the industry-leading order execution, charting, and analytics provider for global, electronically-traded securities and commodities, today announced that it has entered into an order routing service broker contract with Dot Commodity, Inc., Japan’s largest online commodity futures broker.

This agreement will allow Dot Commodity’s clients the ability to place orders directly to overseas commodity markets as well as Japanese domestic commodity markets, including the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) and the Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE) by DMA (Direct Market Access) through the CQG Trader and CQG Integrated Client trading platforms.

“Partnering with Dot Commodity is a beneficial step in CQG’s Asia-Pacific growth,” said Mike Glista, Director of Order Routing at CQG. “We look forward to providing Dot Commodity’s clients with our best of class tools and industry-leading service.”

Dot Commodity's clients can also utilize CQG’s suite of server-side tools, CQG Spreader and the Market Aggregation expression, for execution and management of latency-critical trading strategies across key global and domestic exchanges.

"Dot Commodity is pleased to be able to offer its clients access to markets in Tokyo, London, and New York on one trading platform through CQG Trader and CQG Integrated Client," said Jeff Jacobson, Manager of Overseas Business Development at Dot Commodity, Inc. "This will greatly enhance our range of services and add a higher level of convenience for the investor."

Dot Commodity is Japan’s largest online commodity futures broker and is dedicated to offering its clients the widest range of market access through the most innovative trading solutions available.

CQG is an Independent Software Vendor that offers advanced electronic trading, leading decision-making tools, and accurate consolidated market data on a global network. CQG Hosted Exchange Gateways offer access to over forty global markets through DMA.

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