Krung Thai to extend remote service points

Krung Thai Bank will install remote product selling system in 1,382 service points by the first quarter of next year. The system enables customers to use products and services conveniently, while expediting loans' approval.

Dr. Anuchit Anuchitanukul, First Executive Vice President, Managing Director, Products and Market Management Group, Krung Thai Bank disclosed that under the Bank’s vision as a convenience bank, it has accelerated the setup of services points both at branches and ATMs.

"Currently, the Bank has installed 259 service points at branches where business volume is high, and prepared to install 1,123 more, covering all branches and business centers nationwide. We expect to complete the installation on the first quarter next year. This will enable the Bank's nationwide communication to be in interactive style for the Bank's employees and customers to interact with images and sound simultaneously."

Dr.Anuchit Anuchitanukul further stated that the remote selling system is an introduction of IT innovation in providing services with high-quality images and sound. Customers nationwide will be able to converse with Bank officers on products and services at the Bank's Head Office, no matter where the branches are located. Therefore, customers will receive the same speedy convenience and equality as those residing in Bangkok.

Moreover, the Bank is going to use this system for conducting teleconferences between the Head Office and branches and urgent trainings, which will expedite loans approval of branches nationwide while enhancing management efficiency and economising on travel expenses as well.

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